High flows on the American River can be dangerous.
Warning! This flow data has not been reviewed for accuracy.
Do not overestimate your skill or underestimate the power of the river. Knowing what the level is on the day of your visit is one way to determine if the river flow is above your level of experience.
For the latest recorded report of the river flows on the Lower American and other rivers throughout the state, call the Department of Water Resources at (800) 952-5530, or visit their Website at www.dwr.water.ca.gov.
For additional river information: Sacramento County Department of Parks and Recreation (916) 875-6672.
Life Jackets
In the summer 2008, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors approved an ordinance that requires all children under the age of 13 to wear life preservers when in the portions of public waterways within the unincorporated area of Sacramento County. More about the ordinance here.