American River Parkway Rangers Propose Letting Dogs Back On Bike, Horse Trails

A new effort to protect the American River Parkway would expand where people can walk their dogs, but maintain the strict guidelines on leashes.

Park rangers will present the possible law change to the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday.

Mark Gibbons walks his dog, Charlie, on the bike path often.

“I’ve never had a problem with my dogs, nor have I seen anyone else walking their dog have a problem with bicyclists or walkers,” he said.

But he also strays off the beaten path.

“There’s some secluded areas where I can let her off the leash,” Gibbons said.

But that’s against the law, according to park rangers. Under current law, dogs aren’t allowed on the trails, because they pose a public safety risk, by running  into, or even biting, cyclists.

“There have been times where dogs have been on the bike trail, and I’ve had to brake and swerve out of the way,” said cyclist Daniel Mueller.

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