Fishermen Frustrated As Sea Lions Steal Fish At Discovery Park

There’s a problem lurking right where the American and Sacramento rivers meet, a problem the fishermen would like to hook.

Something is lurking in the waters near Discovery Park.

“They look like they’re hungry,” said Daniel Cabera.

You may notice a ripple, an awkward change of current in an otherwise still spot.

So what has one woman so scared?

“I’m not going in that water ever again, they’re gonna eat me,” said Daniela Blackwell.

It’s highly unlikely they want Blackwell for a snack. It’s the slippery swimmers splashing under the water that sea lions are after.

“They snag up our lines, steal our fish, and get caught in cross currents,” said Blackwell.

That is where the problem lies.

Fishermen are casting line after line, sweating in the sun, teased by tugs, hoping for that prized pull, only to have a sea lion swoop right in and snag their salmon.

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